
Thwaites CL and Yen LM
Oxford Textbook of Medicine – Infections
May 1, 2012
Parry C and Basnyat B
Oxford Textbook of Medicine – Infections
May 1, 2012
Cameron Simmons, Jeremy Farrar, Nguyen Van Vinh Chau, Bridget Wills
N Engl J Med
April 12, 2012
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1110265
Akbar NA, Allende I, Balmaseda A, Coelho IC, da Cunha RV, Datta B, Devi S, Farrar J, Gaczkowski R, Guzman MG, Harris E, Hien TT, Horstick O, Hung NT, Jaenisch T, Junghanss T, Kroeger A, Laksono IS, Lum LC, Maron GM, Martinez E, Mishra A, Ooi EE, Pleites EB, Ramirez G, Rosenberger K, Simmons C, Siqueira JB Jr, Soria C, Tan LH, Thuy TT, Villalobos I, Villegas E, Wills B.
Clin Infect Dis
April 2, 2012
DOI: 10.1093/cid/cis328
Saraswathy Sabanathan & Bridget Wills
International Maternal and Child Healthcare: a practical textbook for hospitals worldwide
April 1, 2012
DOI: ISBN 978-1 84619 992 9
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